Health & Safety Guidelines 2021

Longmuir’s Hidden Cove Cottage Resort welcomes you and your party! We are very pleased that you have decided to spend your vacation with us, and thank you for your business. We would like everyone to enjoy their time at Longmuir’s Hidden Cove Cottages.  We are steadfast in maintaining clean cottages between stays and ask that you follow the steps below to ensure the health and safety of all who visits.

  • Practice physical distancing (staying 2 metres away from others)

  • Use good hand washing technique and avoid touching your face

  • Keep surfaces and objects clean (commonly touched surfaces like counters, tables, door handles and switches) during your stay and right before you leave

  • Only one person at a time in the Store/office

  • Bring masks

  • Complete sign-in sheet before arrival and present it at check-in (will be provided through confirmation email)

  • Only two customers per rental boat (rear-tiller) allowed at this time, except for family members

  • Bring tissues, hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes

  • Do not flush wipes, paper towels or hygiene products down the toilet as we are on a septic system.

  • For boat owners, please ensure that you have cleaned your hull before arriving and launching in Lake Weslemkoon

  • Please keep fish cleaning hut clean and tidy.  Do not place “leavings” in buckets or in sink.  Use water pump and/or buckets to rinse.  Discuss with Mike or Rachelle if you need disposal details.

  • We ask that you use a clear (or see-through) plastic bags for your recycling and garbage.  Only cleaned plastics, paper, cans and glass can be deposited in a bag in the recycling bins.  No items with food particles allowed.  Used tissues and paper towels are to go in the garbage. Note: coffee cups are not recyclable in this township.

Feel free to reach out to us with all your questions and concerns.

 We hope you will enjoy your stay,

 Mike and Rachelle Longmuir